Author: admin
•10:48 AM

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step......"
Yes+ has come a long way in the past 4 or more years since the first course was taken in North Bangalore.
I still remember the initial days where there were a few handful of volunteers from North Bangalore.
But since everything has a beginning, this is the first step of developing and maintaining an intimate space
in the blogosphere and in the internet as a whole for all the events and experiences... of Yes+ warriors in North Bangalore

What is the goal of this blog?

*All the events to be held and events happened will be documented here.Lets you know about the upcoming
events and happenings and after you have participated in the event you can go home and check out the cool
photos taken in the event and also the event details and participant's experiences.
*To let all the volunteers unleash their creativity by excercising their writing skills,photography etc.
*To let fresh ideas blossom......New suggestions and improvisations on the existing system are most welcome.
*To provide a platform for all volunteers and teachers to interact and express themselves.
*Share your talents and let everyone know about it(Upload images,videos etc..)


Inspired by the undying enthusiasm and creativity of all the Yes+ volunteers in North Bangalore.


Anyone who sends a mail to with the contents for the blog post(and approved by the editing team of the blog).


In the lotus feet of The Big G.

So let the creative juices flow and get ready to a long lasting interaction with each other through this blog.
Jai Gurudev!
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